Manga Classics are a great option for encouraging younger readers to access and engage with classic literature. The unique format, artistic variety, and visual translation of literary devices and styles are universally appealing for younger audiences. Manga Classics allow young readers to grasp basic literary elements and concepts preparing them for future more advanced textual analyses.
Manga can complement a complex primary text by:
Visually conveying a period in history (setting)
Illustrating complex themes, symbols, motifs, imagery & figurative language
Evoking an emotive response from the reader, thereby increasing engagement with the text and deepening understanding
We are proud to announce that we are working with Stanford & Berkeley Alumni Julie Vo, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, to bring you NEW Manga Classics educational resources aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Initial focus groups have shown that Manga Classics can be a great supplement to teaching your students the classics in a more visual, innovative and engaging way! Click on the button below to download a PDF on how to use manga to teach in accordance with the Common Core State Standards.
Using Manga Classics to Teach CCSS Presentation 2018
Click on any of the buttons below to download valuable student-friendly learning tools, which includes: A sample Manga Classics Teacher's Guide for The Scarlet Letter, a Characterization Chart template, a Plot Structure Diagram template and a Book Report template aligned to CCSS. Simply print and you're ready to go.
Please note that the Manga Classics Book Report Assignment can be used for any of the Manga Classics titles. This Book Report template is recommended for Grade Levels 7-8 and is aligned to the following Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (ELA) for Grades 7-8.
Teacher's Guide for The Scarlet Letter
Book Report Template aligned to CCSS
Characterization Chart Template
Plot Structure Diagram